New Words in the OED*

The *Oxford English Dictionary has just released their list of new words added this year. I love words and especially like to learn new ones. While I am fairly certain I won’t be using some most of these, others are quite good.

Selfie is one of the new words, and although I took one, once, I doubt it will be come a part of my every day language.image

Omnishambles is an excellent word, and it probably more appropriate to use in conversation than the similar-meaning cluster-f**k. imageThe definition is thus: a situation that has been comprehensively mismanaged, characterized by a string of blunders and miscalculations.

Digital Detox is something that I think I should take advantage of a little more frequently.imageI really try and limit my computer use on the weekends, and try and leave my phone in an inconvenient spot.

But then that brings on my FOMO, fear of missing out!

Chandelier earrings imageand fauxhawksimage both seem a little too old to be included, but it did allow me to add a picture of David Beckham, so it’s all good.

This may be getting a bit TL:DR for you now (too long, didn’t read), so I will sign off now. TTFN.

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