I picked up two little Staffordshire Dogs at a sale this weekend. Honestly, I almost didn’t get them because of how filthy they were. I started cleaning the one on the right, and then thought I should take a picture to see the before and after shots.I scrubbed them a bit with dish detergent, but that didn’t do a thing. Because they’re not glazed, I thought I’d try a Magic Eraser®. Since I didn’t pay a lot for them, it wouldn’t really matter if they were ruined. But it worked like magic!
Basically, the nicotine had put a coat of stain on both pieces. It had also given them a little bit of a shine. The very thought of living in a house that’s had that much smoke in it just makes me ill.
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This is another of the many things I did this weekend. I had a great old candlestick which had lost all of its silver-plate. I didn’t want to have it re-plated because it’s a but wobbly and as a finished piece, it wouldn’t be worth it. So I got a can of black gloss spray-paint and re-imagined the piece.
It’s actually in four parts, so I took them all apart and gave them a number of light coats of paint, turning after each coat to make sure all parts were covered. I think it turned out pretty well! If I do this again, I might take a rough sponge to the piece before I spray it to give the paint something to grip.
How was your weekend?
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