Self-Portraits In The Flemish Style

I am a big reader and I especially love newspapers. I still try and read a few of the UK papers on line because they have an entirely different perspective than we get in the States. In my newspaper travels, I often find amazing things to share with you. Here’s another one.image

Nina Katchadourian is an artist, teacher, lecturer and traveller. imageShe’s taken more than 102 flights in the past few years, and obviously, she gets bored. Her artistic mind wanders and she comes up with an idea for a series of photographs… taken in the plane’s loo… imageusing what she finds in there. Self Portraits in the Flemish Style avec paper towels, seat covers, etc.

The series, Seat Assignment, includes more than a dozen sub-projects: in Provisional Shelters, Katchadourian builds edifices from crackers;image in Buckleheads, she snaps portraits of her neighbours reflected in her seatbelt buckle; imageand in Sweater Gorillas, she has created abstract, simian faces from the folds of a black sweater.image

I give her a lot of credit for her creativity, but seriously, can you IMAGINE being seated next to this woman on that flight to Australia?image

That’s why they make Ambien®. More about Nina here.

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