Coming Attractions

The next six weeks are off-the-charts busy around here, but it’s all good. Some excellent lectures, the spring horse races, a few trips, festivals, and much more!

To start out this week, there’s the annual House Beautiful Lecture series at Evergreen House. Thomas Jayne is on the schedule for Wednesday, April 10th, and I know he’s going to be wonderful. His new book, "American Decoration: A Sense of Place" is a collection of his own work, imageand when I grow up, I want my house to look exactly like the houses he designs. imageMr. Jayne’s lecture is entitled, The Patron is a Lady: Personality and Sense of Place. I can’t wait!

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This weekend marks the first of the three big steeplechase races in the rolling hills just north of Baltimore. It’s the weekend for the My Lady’s Manor races, which benefit the amazing and close-by Ladew Topiary Gardens.

These races are central to life in this part of Maryland during April, and all other plans revolve around their schedule. If you’re a fan of the Dick Francis novels, come on out and experience the racing life.

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Speaking of Ladew Gardens, the Garden Festival is a few weeks away, on Saturday, May 5th. This year’s featured speaker is garden lecturer, Allan Armitage, who is widely acknowledged as one of the world's foremost horticulturists, and well-respected author, teacher, and researcher. If you’re serious about your garden and all that it entails to be a good great gardener, this lecture should be on your list. More information is here.

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Another lecture on my schedule is being presented by the Walters Art Museum, and features my friend, Stiles Colwill. imageI am most intrigued by the description of the talk: A gallery talk on curatorial sleuthing and collecting adventures! How can I resist that? The lecture is part of the exhibit of works by Richard Caton Woodville, who died at age 30, leaving only 20 paintings. The lecture is Thursday, April 18th, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Please RSVP here.

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I head back to High Point for the Spring Furniture Market in two weeks, and believe me, there’s going to be so much to show and tell from that trip that I can probably fill the whole rest of April with pictures! You can follow me at the Market, and now, on Pinterest, imageTwitter and Facebook!

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