NYC: Grey Gardens, the Shop

Actually, I am not 100% sure if that’s the name of the shop we visited, because they gave us a card that had that, and Cafiero Select written on it. But since Grey Gardens is a much better name, I am going with that. Oh, the shop only opened a few days before we went there, so I will cut them some slack about not having the name anywhere on the outside. NYC 3 (34)If I had a shop, this is what I would like it to be. Quirky, interesting and fun.  Grey Gardens was filled with unusual objects, like these large glass bottles from a chemistry lab, and the old American and British flags. NYC 3 (33)

There were lots of pieces of old silverplate, which I adore, and adore some more.

I loved this tea set with a water pitcher, which was not unlike one I saw at John Derian a few minutes earlier.

The space was terrific, with huge tall steel-framed windows looking out to the street and letting in loads of light, which I think is so important.After a few minutes, the owner realized that the shades were still partway down, and raised them, which made the shop even more light-filled.NYC 3 (38)

The shop had a mixture of old furniture which had been newly upholstered,

with some of it in the on-trend men’s suiting fabrics, with pops of colour.

I loved these huge demi-johns and cloches, and the prices were verrrry reasonable!

These horseshoe crab shells reminded me of finding these at the beach when we were children. They are the most fascinating creatures… a little bit of prehistoric life! And the marble table they’re on almost looks like the nautical charts I knew so well.

Even the door to the bathroom was fun!

Lest you think that only the goods in Grey Gardens were elegant and fun, so were the other customers.

Grey Gardens/Cafiero Select is located on 2nd Avenue and 2nd Street, and it’s worth looking for!cafiero

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