What an unbelievable game! In an amazing first half and a stunning second half, the Baltimore Ravens pulled back from the edge of defeat and won the 47th Super Bowl! WIN!As our coach, John Harbaugh said “It wasn't wasn't perfect..... but it was us!!”  That pretty much sums up Baltimore. But we don’t have issues with that. We are who we are and we revel in it.imageThe Ravens weren’t expected to win the Super Bowl. All of the odds – from Las Vegas on down – were against us. The announcers doing the commentary for the play off games, and even the Super Bowl, always remarked on how badly the opposing teams were playing, not how well the Ravens were playing. imageThe 35 minute long power outage really killed the momentum of the game, especially immediately after the amazing 108-yard touchdown, but we battled back to win!imageThe past two weeks leading up to our win have been such fun. Everyone’s so happy and excited. We’re all united around a common goal – to win the Super Bowl. Everywhere you go, everyone is wearing purple. Friends told of hunting all over town for a purple shirt for their five-year old, so he’d feel like part of his new school. The city is aglow in purple lights and it’s heart-warming to see all of the purple lights on porch lights, framing doorways, encircling columns and lighting monuments – just little personal shows of support. imageMoments after we won, I went out into the bitter cold night to listen to the sounds of victory. Horns were honking, people were hooting and hollering, fireworks were exploding in the night sky, and I was happy.

"A slight adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe's famous poem seems appropriate for tonight's knife-edge, blackout Superbowl:

Deep into the darkness peering, long stood the Niners wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before…
Would their souls from out that shadow that lay there on the Superdome floor Ever be lifted?
Quote the Ravens “Nevermore”


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