Sandy: What YOU Can Do

I am taking this very eloquent and persuasive letter from Rich Foot, CEO of the non-profit, Foot’s Forecast weather group and posting it here so that friends looking for ways to help those hit by Superstorm Sandy can be directed.image

How Sandy Is The New Katrina, And Why We All Should Help, Immediately.

For readers new to Foot's Forecast, you've seen by now that we do weather differently. When we work a storm, or the recovery, we go beyond forecasting, to public safety and improving response. But, when we do not see science and technology being leveraged appropriately to improve response, we're going to say something about it. And we're not happy. image

If you want to do something about what is happening in NY and NJ we have links on our main site to charities who are engaged now in the recovery.

KATRINA VS. SANDY: Katrina was horrific by any standard. Many of us cried our eyes out night after night watching TV coverage of children and families struggling in the heat with no one to help them. This tragedy is the same, because it affected the same group: Americans. It is time for America to act, and do it immediately. Winter weather is approaching, temperatures are dropping and frustration is already boiling. Here are three jobs that need addressing in our storm recovery efforts:

JOB # 1 - ACCEPTING THE TRUE SCOPE. With millions facing no power for weeks as winter descends, and 100,000+ homeless, we are facing the largest humanitarian crisis in the history of the country, and it's time to see evidence of a national effort to help. FEMA, local and state governments cannot do it alone. "We" are the people, it's time "we" get behind the effort, quickly.

JOB # 2 - REFOCUSING THE MEDIA. It's time the national media begin to focus more on how we can all help our fellow citizens, instead of spending precious air time on unsolvable questions of climate change, while millions are shivering in the cold. Where are the "donation" graphics on CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX, TWC? If your local media has already been at this task, please post a link here so we can all share the information.

JOB # 3 - RECOGNIZING THE NEED TO HELP. Many of us in Maryland and other parts of the country who have endured disasters can relate to the already extreme and rising challenges facing our fellow citizens in NY and NJ. However, unless wider action is taken by all of us, the short- and long-term crises may exceed any previous natural disaster in our nation's history.

imageWHAT WE CAN ALL DO: We're asking you, your school, your community, your church the same question: What are you doing to help? Election or not, recession or not, our fellow citizens are in their darkest hour. It looks like they will be that way for some time, and it's not getting any warmer anytime soon.

CEO Rich Foot and the U.S. Team of Foot's Forecast

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