I love these quick quizzes that promise to tell you who your first lady style twin is (!) or what your decorating choices say about you. So how could I resist sharing a quiz that promises to tell you which royal palace is your dream home. Hmmmm.
“Have you dreamed of living in a luxurious palace, surrounded by rolling hills, with a team of servants at your beck and call? Take our quiz and find out what real-life palace is your dream home. From Monaco to Brunei, there is a royal mansion for every taste!”
Of course, I am suspicious of any quiz that includes Diva as one of the personalities you can choose from.
And, I might have rigged the answers slightly to get this:
Your Dream Palace Is Windsor Castle
You are traditional, sensible and family-oriented, like England’s Queen Elizabeth. It’s no surprise that your dream home is Windsor Castle, the monarch’s official weekend residence. This medieval castle sits in the British countryside and is the longest-occupied
palacecastle in Europe. You’ll enjoy exploring the rolling hills and the palace architecture; if you’re feeling spiritual, you can head to the castle’s 15th-century chapel. A bonus: You might bump into Prince William and his beloved Kate when you’re strolling the grounds!
Been there, done that. But I guess that these people don’t know that there’s a difference between a castle and a palace. Castles are for defending the territory, and palaces are for living in.
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